



The five foundational pillars of Islam

Published on 2021-01-26, by Saba Siddiquie

Islam is monotheistic religion followed by people around the world called Muslims. Islam is based on the faith that there is

“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (PBUH) is His messenger”.

Muslims regard Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger of Allah. Islam is not just a religion but a way of life, how we as a Muslim live in this world and prepare ourselves for the after death based on the principles coined in the “Holy Quran”. This brings us to very basics, the foundation of Islam-“The Five Pillars of Islam”.

Every Muslim in this world is well aware of the foundational pillars of Islam but in this blog, we aim to revisit and remember the essence of our thoughtful and spiritual religion and follow them proactively.

The Five foundational Pillars of Islam are :

Shahada-The declaration of Faith:

Shahada is the elementary statement of faith and commitment towards Islam which is “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.” This is a primary requirement to recite Shahada thrice in presence of witnesses for a person to become a Muslim.

Salah- Prayers:

Salah refers to the obligatory prayers which Muslims conform to the will of Allah. It is always offered in the direction of al-Kaʿbah, Mecca. All Muslims around the globe offer their prayers at 5 times a day : Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Zakat- Alms Tax:

Zakat can be simply put forward as obligatory charity given by Muslims from their yearly income. This donation is offered to support people in need which re-calibrates the just human balance in society and fosters harmony. Zakat is way of expressing gratitude to Allah for all the innumerable blessings.

Sawm- Fasting:

Muslims fast from dawn to dusk in the holy month of Ramadan which includes abstaining from food, water, and unethical activities. The aim of fasting is to purify one’s mind, body, and soul. The beauty of Islam lies in its flexibility which exempts children, elderly, ill as well as pregnant women from fasting.

Hajj- Pilgrimage:

Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca, which should be performed by every Muslim who is in good physical, spiritual health and financially sufficient to accomplish the pilgrimage. Hajj is performed during the month of Dhu al Hijjah where pilgrims perform a set of activities including circumambulation of Kaaba, trotting between hills of Safa and Marwah, drinking water from ZamZam well, visiting the Mount Arafat, spending night in the plains of Muzdalifah, stoning the devil and sacrificing the animal on the day of Eid al-Adha.

Upholding the integrity of aforesaid pillars is utmost responsibility of each Muslim and we all should strive to commit to them while running regular errands of our daily lives. Yes, we might fall back and be inconsistent at times but let the light of faith in Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) keeps growing brighter with every passing day.